Claire Dessimoz

A versatile artist, trained in architecture and contemporary dance, Claire Dessimoz works as a choreographer between theater, dance and contemporary art.

She works with bodies, and what they communicate, whether through their presence on a set, in a group or alone, or through their words, which she likes to capture and then restores with precision. Her work is crossed by political and community questions. How can we create commonality with and despite our differences? How can we imagine a cohabitation that leaves room for errors and disagreements, without necessarily defusing all tension? She seeks to bring heterogeneous words into dialogue, while fighting against the temptation of any form of consensus.

Without ever falling into dogmatism, she offers complex but joyful pieces, seeking to destabilise certainties. Her most recent pieces include current currents (2021) and Grand Miroir (2023) as well as large scale collaborations Le Recueil des miracles (with Louis Schild, 2024) and Festival (with Clara Delorme and Louis Bonard, 2024).